其中最常见也最推荐使用的网格数据格式是netCDF4标准网格文件格式。GMT默认使用该格式,一般以 .nc
或 .grd
ID |
说明 |
GMT netCDF4标准格式 |
GMT netCDF format (8-bit integer, COARDS, CF-1.5) |
GMT netCDF format (16-bit integer, COARDS, CF-1.5) |
GMT netCDF format (32-bit integer, COARDS, CF-1.5) |
GMT netCDF format (32-bit float, COARDS, CF-1.5) |
GMT netCDF format (64-bit float, COARDS, CF-1.5) |
GMT netCDF3 “旧”格式 |
GMT netCDF format (8-bit integer, depreciated) |
GMT netCDF format (16-bit integer, depreciated) |
GMT netCDF format (32-bit integer, depreciated) |
GMT netCDF format (32-bit float, depreciated) |
GMT netCDF format (64-bit float, depreciated) |
GMT自定义二进制格式 |
GMT native, C-binary format (bit-mask) |
GMT native, C-binary format (8-bit integer) |
GMT native, C-binary format (16-bit integer) |
GMT native, C-binary format (32-bit integer) |
GMT native, C-binary format (32-bit float) |
GMT native, C-binary format (64-bit float) |
其他网格文件格式 |
SUN raster file format (8-bit standard) |
GEODAS grid format GRD98 (NGDC) |
Golden Software Surfer format 6 (32-bit float) |
Golden Software Surfer format 7 (64-bit float) |
Atlantic Geoscience Center AGC (32-bit float) |
ESRI Arc/Info ASCII Grid Interchange format (ASCII integer) |
ESRI Arc/Info ASCII Grid Interchange format (ASCII float) |
Import/export via GDAL |
除了上面列出的网格文件格式之外,有C编程经验的高级用户还可以自己自定义网格文件格式,并将读写该格式的子程序链接到GMT函数库中,使得GMT可以支持自定义网格文件格式的读取。详情见GMT源码中的 gmt_customio.c
GMT保存2D网格时默认使用与COARDS兼容的netCDF格式。COARDS,全称为 Cooperative Ocean/Atmosphere Research Data Service,是一个海洋和大气科学相关机构分发网格数据时所采用的一个共同标准。GMT的网格数据兼容COARDS标准,因而 GMT可以读取这些机构分发的网格数据,同时,GMT生成的网格数据也可以被其它软件所读取。
属性 |
说明 |
全局属性 |
Conventions |
COARDS, CF-1.5 (可选) |
title |
标题 (可选) |
source |
文件是如何创建的 (可选) |
node_offset |
网格配准方式,0 表示网格线配置(默认值),1 表示像素配准 |
X 和 Y 变量属性 |
long_name |
坐标名称 (如 “Longitude” 和 “Latitude”) |
units |
坐标单位 (如, “degrees_east” 和 “degrees_north”) |
actual range (or valid range) |
x 和 y 的最小最大值 |
Z 变量属性 |
long_name |
Z变量名称 (默认为 “z”) |
units |
Z变量单位 |
scale_factor |
z 值要乘以的因子 (默认值: 1) |
add_offset |
z 值乘以因子后的额外偏移量 (默认值: 0) |
actual_range |
Z值的最小最大值 |
_FillValue (or missing_value) |
数据缺失或无效数据对应的值。若未指定,则根据数据类型自动设置该值 |
参数 |
描述 |
int n_columns |
Number of nodes in the x-dimension |
int n_rows |
Number of nodes in the y-dimension |
int registration |
0 for grid line registration, 1 for pixel registration |
double x_min |
Minimum x-value of region |
double x_max |
Maximum x-value of region |
double y_min |
Minimum y-value of region |
double y_max |
Maximum y-value of region |
double z_min |
Minimum z-value in data set |
double z_max |
Maximum z-value in data set |
double x_inc |
Node spacing in x-dimension |
double y_inc |
Node spacing in y-dimension |
double z_scale_factor |
Factor to multiply z-values after read |
double z_add_offset |
Offset to add to scaled z-values |
char x_units[80] |
Units of the x-dimension |
char y_units[80] |
Units of the y-dimension |
char z_units[80] |
Units of the z-dimension |
char title[80] |
Descriptive title of the data set |
char command[320] |
Command line that produced the grid file |
char remark[160] |
Any additional comments |
TYPE z[n_columns*n_rows] |
1-D array with z-values in scanline format |
GDAL所支持的光栅格式列表见: https://gdal.org/drivers/raster/index.html